are down this year and there are even more kids please donate to The Chum Christmas Wish!
November 22nd!
CTV/CHUM family is pleased to announce the 44th Annual CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish 2010.
With the outstanding support of CP24, CP24 Radio, 1050 CHUM AM and 104.5 CHUM FM, we reach both radio and television
audiences for community assistance while keeping our media coverage in the family! With
the continued support of our generous donors and supporters, this exciting partnership will ensure the success of the Wish
for years to come.
welcome back The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), which celebrates 42 years with our program!
With the continued support of RBC and our many friends, the CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish hopes to bring the magic of the
holidays to those in need of assistance in 2010. The Wish launches with the opening
of our new headquarters and toy distribution warehouse located in Mississauga, at 1366 Blundell Road, on Monday, November
22nd, 2010 and continues until noon, Thursday, December 23rd, 2010.
CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish was originally established in 1966 as CHUM’s Kid’s Crusade Foundation, for the purpose
of assisting children in need and children’s charities. In 1973, the name
was changed to the CHUM Charitable Foundation in order to broaden the scope of the foundation’s work, including the
increase in requests for financial assistance from adults in need. In 2008, the
program became known as the CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish.
2009, with the help of RBC and donations from our listeners and viewers, the CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish, in conjunction with
Toronto Social Services, helped 356 registered agencies assist children and families in need. With the help of over 1,000
hard working and passionate volunteers, more than 74,000 children received toys from the Wish.
CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish has become one of the largest distributors of toys to those in need in the Greater Toronto Area,
as well as providing financial assistance to hundreds of agencies. With many
funding cuts in recent years, the CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish has become the last hope for many to be able to give a child a
Christmas. The CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish supplies registered charitable organizations,
social service agencies, churches, and community centres with generous financial donations and new unwrapped toys. In turn, these groups distribute the donations to those families, of many faiths and cultures, who require
the smallest contribution can make a difference! As of the November 22nd launch
date, financial donations in the form of cash or cheques & toy donations of new unwrapped toys, are accepted at most RBC
branches in the GTA, 299 Queen Street West, and our Wish headquarters located in Mississauga at 1366 Blundell Road. (Those who wish to make a donation before November 22nd can do so at the 1366 Blundell Road warehouse.)
financial donations of $20.00 or more are eligible for an income tax receipt. Our charitable registration number is 11885
9057 RR0001. Cheques should be made payable to the CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish, and must include the name and mailing address
of the person who should receive the tax receipt. Tax receipts will be issued
to individuals who are part of a group donation; however, we will certainly recognize the group effort with a thank you letter. For group donations, please provide us with a list of donors’ names, the
donors’ home addresses and the amounts donated. Tax receipts will not be
sent to an individual’s work address.
may also ‘wish’ to help by volunteering your time. Volunteers are
needed to help at our warehouse facility to sort donated toys and fill agency toy requests during the holiday season. If you would like to volunteer your time and become a part of this amazing program,
please register here on our web site on or after October 26th, 2010. Please check
out the volunteer page for volunteer age guidelines.
any questions not answered there, contact the CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish helpline at 416-384-4199, or e-mail
Thank you for
helping to, ‘Give A Kid A Christmas.’