Welcome To LoveCry's Site.
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LoveCry is a street-based non-profit organization whose mission is to raise awareness of abuse, in general, and the devastating
consequences it has on our children, in particular.
LoveCry's primary focus is to bring to the forefront the plight of homeless youth - street kids- by educating and informing
the public as to why these kids end up on the streets.
As well, LoveCry provides assistance to teenagers who fall through the cracks by approaching their issues in an entirely different
We believe, as evidenced through education, personal experience and numerous in-depth studies, and in consensus with both
experts and the street kids themselves, that children leave their homes and take to the streets primarily because of abuse
in the home.
Abuse takes many different forms, verbal, physical, sexual, emotional, psychic, ritual and spiritual, amongst many. What is
certain is that no child leaves a home where they have felt love and acceptance.
Poverty is a by-product of homelessness, not the cause.
LoveCry consists primarily of individuals who have themselves experienced homelessness and abuse and have successfully met
the challenge of changing their lives. They combine the expertise of their education and life experience to establish a unique
and profound rapport between themselves and the kids, and form the trust and the support that is a necessary foundation to
the rebuilding of self-esteem.
We also believe that conventional methods have been notoriously unsuccessful, and in fact, have contributed further to co-dependency
in some youths and the alienation of others.
We believe through mutual participation with government and non-government youth service organizations, solutions can be found.
Information, education and a serious determination to promote understanding of the root cause of homelessness, is our objective.
We advocate as the voice of abused youth and articulate our conviction to represent the truth.
We can all assist them in their journey towards positive self-esteem and a life of fulfillment, joy and meaning. They are
our future; they are a reflection of us.

LoveCry's Healing Site |

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With all us Humans
Has learned from life
To quickley we forget
Which way is flight
We play our game
Who's Wrong/Who's Right
None of us
Are either or
As we all share the same
In Black and White
We come from love
And learn to hate
And all the wlhile
Praying to balance this state
Help Stop Abuse
Please donte and help LoveCry help these kids and Stop Abuse.
Tax receipts are available for large donations of goods.
All donations are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.
LoveCry's Registered Charitable Business Tax
# 8925236365RR0001
Send Donations to:
LoveCry The Street Kids Org.,
93 Broadview Ave.,
Toronto, Ontario,
M4M 2E4
Deposit right into our
Royal Bank Account
# 100 662 6
Lee and Queen Streets
Toronto, Ontario.
# 1006626
Blessings Angel

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